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Notice of Filming & Photography

When you participate in a M.A.R.S. Ministry (MM) event featuring Apostle Luis (AL) or Prophet Wanda (PW), it's important to be aware that photography, audio recording, and video recording may be in progress throughout the event. By entering the event premises, you are granting explicit consent for these recordings to be used for various promotional purposes, including news coverage, webcasts, social media sharing, and other forms of advertising by MM, AL, PW, and their affiliated entities.


In doing so, you willingly release MM, AL, PW, their officers, and employees from any liability associated with the capture, recording, digitization, publication, and utilization of interviews, photographs, computer images, videos, and sound recordings during the event. Furthermore, by entering the event premises, you willingly waive any rights you may have to claim payment or royalties in connection with the use, exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsorship behind their use, exhibition, broadcasting, webcasting, or publication. Additionally, you relinquish any right to review or approve any photographs, videos, or audio recordings taken by MM, AL, PW, or any individuals or entities authorized by MM, AL, or PW for this purpose.


It's essential to acknowledge that you have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering and participating in the event.

It is our pleasure to welcome visitors from around the world each week and we pray that when you attend, that you open your heart to receive ministry from the Lord Jesus Christ and pay close attention to the teachings from Apostle Luis or Prophet Wanda or the guest minister. Please understand that it is Apostle Luis & Prophet Wanda desire to minister to visitors and members as the Lord leads him.

Personal Ministry
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